A Catholic Education is a life long gift to your child. For the child to receive spiritual growth that is life long, it is important for the parents and those who take their place to actively live out and participate in our Catholic faith. The school and parents have integral parts and are obliged to educate students so that they may live a full Christian life. Catholic Schools have the mission of assisting parents in fulfilling their religious educational obligation. It is our goal at St. Philip Catholic School for our faith to become living, conscious and active through instruction.
As Catholic Schools strive to teach and encourage participation in our faith, it is imperative that parents continue the same participation in their daily life. At SPS, we teach students respect for the Eucharist during Friday Mass and during their religion classes, but this in no way covers the responsibility of the parents/family of their obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligations.
All students who attend St Philip School are required to participate in designated religious activities. Tenants of the Catholic faith are infused into every subject and every aspect of school life. Students who are not Catholic will be expected to participate in all ways that are appropriate according to Church law and practice. Parents are encouraged to attend Mass and all other religious observances with their students. Students attend Mass every Friday of the school year (check school calendar for specific dates or changes due to Holy Days). Students will also participate in recitation of the rosary or recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet on a monthly basis.
Students also participate in All Saints Activities, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Advent Services, Lenten Activities and the Stations of the Cross, May Crowning and other specific recognitions of special religious events and persons. Each room in the school has been designated with a saint's name. Students will study the saint in their homeroom and recognize that saint on his/her feast day.